Lost in the Right Direction - Beirut

Lost in the Right Direction

Totem and Infinity table are part of an ongoing project by designer Karen Chekerdjian. Three basic geometric shapes are stacked to create a final composition – in this way, each work is simultaneously a single piece and multiple pieces. 

The three shapes are the starting point which set the rule for the design. No further embellishment or decoration is permitted. The works represent a search for balance between emptiness and fullness, an exploration of proportion between heaviness and weightlessness.

The object emerges suddenly out of intuition. From stone and sand, it bursts into a final form. Like archaeological remains, it seeks to remind the viewer how it was made, and from what; you will forget its function, and perceive only its essence. Amongst the ruins of Deir el Kalaa, Chekerdjian’s works prompt us to remember that everything and everyone passes away – only time keeps moving.

© Karen Chekerdjian. All rights reserved.